Michel Puech publie dans La lettre de la photographie, lettre quotidienne en français et en anglais.

News: The death of SIPA? By Michel Puech in La lettre de la photographie

The news fell yesterday: SIPA agency will be sold. The third mythical French agency, alongside Gamma and Sygma, will be sold to the German company DAPD. The agency was founded in 1973 by Göksin Sipahioglu, one of the last greats of the photography world.

The media group SUD Communication Pierre Fabre that had bought the agency back in 2001 has decided to let it go this time. After the loss of several million euros. You will find in the French version of La Lettre the complete version by Michel Puech on this new drama of the French photo agencies.


Dernière révision le 3 mars 2024 à 7:15 pm GMT+0100 par Michel Puech

Michel Puech